The Great Dane Club of Greater Dallas is excited to begin 2022 with our new club officers and board of directors:
President:.................................. Susan Webster Vice-President:........................ Liz Bush Secretary:................................. Ash-Leah Turk Treasurer:................................. Ronnie Wilson Delegate to the GDCA:......... Nancy Ridgeway 3-Year Board Member:......... Debbie Buczek 2-Year Board Member:......... Pamela Forrester 1-Year Board Member:.......... Barb Bristol
Kelly Fails, of KindleFire Great Danes, brought home two new champions in one weekend in back-to-back shows. She showed both "Ember" and "Deston" at the Texarkana Kennel Club All-Breed Show on February 1st and 2nd. Ember was awarded her Championship by winning a 3 pt. Major on Saturday and Deston followed with his Championship by clenching a 3 pt. Major on Sunday. CONGRATULATIONS to Kelly, Ember, and Deston on this incredible achievement!
On January 4th & 5th, Gemma and Devin competed in the Nolan River Kennel Club AKC Scentwork (nosework) trial in Glen Rose, TX. They completed the Scent Containers Novice (SCN) and Scent Buried Novice (SBN) titles. Gemma is now: DAT's How We Like To Party CA BCAT ACT1 DN CGC TKN SCN SBN.
On Saturday, April 13 and Sunday, April 14, three litter mates from DAT Great Danes competed in the World Cynosport Rally trial at What A Great Dog-Richardson, all earning qualifying scores both days among very tough competition. Left to Right: - Ash-Leah Turk with Gemma: DAT's How We Like To Party CA BCAT RATI TKN CGC RLI RL1 - Karen Schuller with Thorin: DAT Quest To Find And Keep - Kim Cameron with Rita: DAT's My Lost Shaker Of Salt CGC CGCA TKI THDN Gemma Earned both her RLI and RL1 titles on Saturday, Thorin received qualifying scores both days, and Rita qualified both days with a 3rd place finish on Sunday in Level 1. ![]() The Great Dane Club of Greater Dallas wishes to congratulate our very own Kerry Robinson and her new Grand Champion, Roman (GCH Summit View Romanee Conti) who took Best of Breed at the Fort Worth Kennel Club Show on Sunday, March 24, 2019. Kerry has handled Roman through all his Championship points and Grand Championship points. Congratulations Roman & Kerry!
What's Happening:
Starting on Monday, January 28, text notifications will be ending for Verizon Wireless customers who use the free Remind service. If you communicate with your class, group, or club on Remind: People who normally get your Remind messages as texts may no longer receive them. If you have Verizon Wireless as your phone carrier: You’ll no longer receive Remind text notifications. To get messages, you’ll need to download the app, turn on smartphone or email notifications instead. Why the Verizon fee affects free text messaging on Remind: To offer our text messaging service free of charge, Remind has always paid for each text that users receive or send. Now, Verizon is charging Remind an additional fee intended for companies that send spam over its network. Your Remind messages aren’t spam, but that hasn’t helped resolve the issue with Verizon. The fee will increase our cost of supporting text messaging to at least 11 times our current cost—forcing us to end free Remind text messaging for the more than 7 million students, parents, and educators who have Verizon Wireless as their carrier. What you can do: IMPORTANT: If you have a phone plan with Verizon Wireless, click here first to make sure you can still receive Remind messages on the app or by email after January 28. We need your help to keep Remind text messaging free for educators, students, and parents. Keep reading for how you can contact Verizon and ask them to #ReverseTheFee. Click here to download the REMIND app: Call Verizon Wireless If there’s one thing we know, it’s the power of communication. If Remind’s made a positive impact on how you teach or learn, please call Verizon and ask them to #ReverseTheFee. Verizon Customer Service: 1-800-922-0204 Spread the word on social media Let Verizon know that you’re asking them to #ReverseTheFee on Remind—and share how you’ve used in Remind in your classroom and community, because your messages are #NotSpam. Tweet @verizon About us Remind 965 Mission Street 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 To stop receiving all Remind SMS messages, reply @STOPALL to any text from Remind. President: Laura Mestas
Vice President: Devin Turk Secretary: Ash-Leah Turk Treasurer: Ronnie Wilson 3-year Board Member: Kerry Robinson 2-year Board Member: Liz Bush 1-year Board Member: Norma Hennig Delegate to the GDCA: Nancy Ridgeway Here's to a incredible new year of service for the best breed of dog there is! CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who was awarded a new title for their danes in 2018! This was an incredible year for our members with several new Champions, Grand Champions, as well as several performance titles in Rally, Obedience, Agility, Coursing Ability, Fast CAT, Trick Dog, Therapy Dog, and many more! Here's to making 2019 even better for our Great Danes and for the Great Dane Club of Greater Dallas! 2018 New TitlesGCH Hi-Stake’s Adrenaline Rush-Revolution, AOM
Bred By: Susan Webster Owned By: Susan Webster and Ben Geeding New Grand Champion March 2018 CH Rana’s Forever In Blue Jeans Bred By: Dana Albrecht and Jennifer Bell Owned By: Dana Albrecht New Champion December 2018 DAT’s How We Like To Party CA, BCAT, TKN, CGC Bred By: Ash-Leah Turk, Devin Turk and Vicki Monson Owned By: Ash-Leah Turk and Devin Turk New BCAT in April 2018 CH Holledanes Thunderstruck CGC, CGCA, BN, RN, CD, THD, THDA, NW1, LC1, LE1 Bred By: Mike Holle and Teri Holle Owned By: Kim Cameron and Johnny Earl New Companion Dog: March 2018 New Therapy DogAdvanced: April 25, 2018 DAT’s My Lost Shaker of Salt CGC, TKI, THDN Bred By: Ash-Leah Turk, Devin Turk, and Vicki Monson Owned By: Kim Cameron and Johnny Earl New Therapy Dog Novice: November 2018 GCHS Orion Windycity’s Steele Guitar v Dane D’Coeur AOM Bred By: Betsy Phelan and Kim Wood Owned By: William and Beverly Ballard New Grand Champion Silver 2018 GCH Journey N Belle Vie Pardon My Glitter Bred By: Eric and Sonya Weber and Kim McClure Owned By: Eric and Sonya Weber New Champion and Grand Champion 2018 GCH Montague Larchwood Love Me Tender, AOM, CAX Bred By: Nancy Ridgway and D. Susan O’Brien Owned By: Nancy Ridgway and D. Susan O’Brien New Coursing Ability Excellent: April 20, 2018 CH Summit View Romanee-Conti CA Bred By: Sharan Haisler, Karan Haisler and Steve Arnold Owned By: Kerry Robinson and Steve Arnold New Coursing Ability: January 21, 2018 New Champion: July 6, 2018 GCH GDAB Black Bear Road Bred By: Crystal Reid Owned By: Crystal Reid New Grand Champion: April 22, 2018 CH Daneridge Hi-Stakes Inception’s Lucid Dreamer CGCA Bred By: Michael Stern Owned By: Elizabeth Bush and Susan D. Webster New Champion: March 17, 2018 GCH RANA’s Bad Moon Risin’ Bred By: Dana Albrecht and Jennifer Bell Owned By: Dana Albrecht New Champion and Grand Champion: 2018 GCHB Wildside’s Get Off Of My Cloud Bred By: Vicki and Jeff Tidball and Zee Strate Owned By: Cliff and Dru Mincemoyer and Norma and Mike Henning New Grand Champion Bronze March 2018 |
January 2022
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